Ticket sales only cover 50% of the cost of producing our shows and we rely on contributions from generous patrons to create our productions and offer every show with pay-what-you-can tickets.
Your contributions help to reduce barriers of access for others and to preserve our dynamic audience experience. Our value of radical inclusivity is critical to help us explore the ways in which theater can unite disparate groups and reveal and invigorate our interconnectedness.
*Oakland Theater Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and contributions are tax deductible. Our federal non-profit EIN number is 46-5365654.
Give by phone
To make a donation over the phone, give us a call at (510)-646-1126. If we are not able to answer the phone, please leave us a voicemail and we will return your call as soon as we can!
give by mail
Mail a check payable to “Oakland Theater Project” to:
Oakland Theater Project
1501 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Oakland, CA 94612
give online
give through ira
Contact your IRA custodian and follow their procedures to request a “Qualified Charitable Distribution.” The check must be accompanied by your name and address information in order for you to receive a written acknowledgement from us.
Transfers must come from your IRA. 401(k), 403(b), and other retirement plans do not qualify.
Please provide the recipient information below to your custodian, along with our Tax ID# 46-5365654. Please direct your check, drawn on your IRA account and made payable to “Oakland Theater Project” sent to: 1501 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Oakland, CA 94612
Giving levels and benefits
We are thrilled to offer exciting benefits to our members that give individuals an opportunity to make a meaningful impact while enhancing their experience. Come into our inner-circle and become a member today.
Your gift will give you access to the following benefits for one year from the date of your contribution.
supporter - $500–$999
Access to donor circle happy hour
Donate two priority tickets to a friend, family member, or charity of your choice
advocate - $1,000–$2,499
All of the benefits above, plus:
Experience the creative process firsthand – sit in on a rehearsal with the actors and director
Advance copy of the script for all productions in the season
ambassador - $2,500–$4,999
All of the benefits above, plus:
An invitation to join the readings and workshops in progress of OTP’s World Premiere of the season – a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into developing a brand new play with the playwright, director, and producer
PRODUCTION SPONSOR - $5,000–$7,499
All of the benefits above, plus:
Prominent recognition as SPONSOR for 1 play of your choice
Engagement in the creative process of your sponsored play, including invitations to a meet & greet, rehearsals, and other special engagements with the artists
Exclusive signed copy of the poster by the cast and director (existing plays) or signed copy of the script by the playwright and cast (world premieres)
4 complimentary Priority Tickets to Opening Night of your play
All of the benefits above, plus:
Prominent recognition and engagement as SPONSOR for 2 plays of your choice
4 complimentary Priority Tickets to Opening Night of your plays
Season Sponsor - $10,000+
All of the benefits above, plus:
Prominent recognition as SEASON SPONSOR for all 6 plays in our season
4 complimentary Priority Tickets to Opening Night of each play in the season
COMPANY Sponsor - $20,000+
All of the benefits above, plus:
Prominent recognition as COMPANY SPONSOR for all 6 plays in our season, reports, and branded materials
Engagement and recognition as SPONSOR for all “OTP PRESENTS” productions in our season. Involvement in the creative process of your sponsored play, including meet & greets, rehearsals, and other special engagements with artists